Several people have shared with me their love for the FitBit and I finally got one. I love my FitBit too. I didn’t realize before I got it how inherently lazy I was. I think of myself as an avid exerciser. I have been working out since my first year of college, before the freshman 15 had a name, but that was why.
I thought I walked a lot in the city. My first day with the FitBit I had to go to a meeting on 28th Street from Tribeca. I looked up the route on google maps to see how long it would take so I wouldn’t be late. To my surprise it was only a 2 mile walk. Normally that was a subway ride or even a justifiable cab since I had to go on the 6 train and I’m closest to the 1 or ACE. It was a gorgeous summer night and I arrived on time, maybe even a bit earlier than if I had taken the train because I would have left later.
When the opportunity to walk the shorter distance presented itself I always automatically took it. I think thought I was always saving time by taking the shorter route. Yet when the elevator wasn’t there I waited for it. That’s not time saving so there goes that theory. Now I take the stairs.
It has changed me from what I thought was a pretty motivated exerciser to a really motivated one. Everyday I work to get those 10,000 steps. Somedays it’s simple and I go way beyond to more than double and some days not. It’s okay. I average over 70,000 each week. I can live with that.
There are so many other benefits. My favorite being the sleep tracker. I love to see how long I have slept. I have become competitive with myself to get 8 hours. I feel so much better well rested.
You can track your weight, your food, your activity. I figure if what Ralph Waldo Emerson says is true, “you become what you think about all day long,” you might as well focus on your health.