A while ago in another blog post I wrote about starting a book club and how hard it was for us to pick a night, a book, a place and all show up. So far we have had 3 meetings. It has been terrific! We have met for dinner in different restaurants. (If you are reading this and want to know restaurants too, just ask!)
The first book we read was The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. (Which I mentioned in my first post.)
The second book was Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson by Jennifer Michael Hecht . Doubt was a little tough to read. I am halfway through and while I totally find the subject fascinating it is like reading a text book. I will finish it!
Now we are reading Pema Chodron’s Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living
We have decided after reading Doubt that we will stick with the theme of Mindfulness, Buddhism and read in the general self-improvement genre. After seeing Robert Thurman speak one time I heard him say, “Daily I am making myself what I am.” I think its important to read daily motivating and inspiring words that ground, motivate and center you. That is the original reason I wanted to have this book club in the first place.
I also was invited to join another book club, so now I have two! This second one is completely different. We meet in a friend’s living room and everyone brings something healthy(ish?) to eat. When I joined they were reading and meeting to talk about Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I did start it a couple of days before the meeting. My first meeting one of the women gave out the next book The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner, because she works for the publisher. I decided to get started on that so I would be finished for the next meeting. I was and most others had not. It is a very loose, nice atmosphere where no one cares whether or not you’ve finished the book. The discussions are interesting and fun. I love that no one takes it too seriously.
For the next meeting they decided to read The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert which I had already read on my own. So now I can catch up with Goldfinch!